Baronial Transition

A letter from the current Baronage (coming soon)

An update and additional information from the Baronial Transitions Officer:

Greetings and Happy A. S. LIX from your local Baronial Transition Officer.

I just wanted to post a review and reminder in regard to the Transition timeline and requirements.

As was clarified at the meet-and-greet, when polling time comes, in order to be considered a resident of the Barony, you must reside within one of the ZIP Codes listed on the Baronial Charter as updated. Those who live outside those ZIP codes are welcome to note on their polls that they consider Shadowed Stars to be their home group.

These links may prove useful to you to confirm your residency status:

Baronial Charter:

US Postal Service Zip Code Lookup Tool

Letters of Intent must include:

* SCA name and any titles (how they would like to be listed on the poll)

* Legal name with contact information including: mailing address, phone number, email address

* Copy of valid membership card (valid through the transition time period) and a copy of photo identification

* Letters can include any information the candidate wishes to communicate to the Crown or the populace – such as SCA experience or vision for the barony.

* The submission of the letters should also include a single photo of each candidate with the current MK photo release form.

* All documents should be in a PDF or Word document format, please. (Photos can be submitted separately as GIF, JPG, PNG or TIFF

They must be sent to me, Master Geoffrey, at [email protected]. I must receive all letters and documentation in time to review them and submit them to the Regional Transition Officer by midnight on May 15th, but the sooner they are received and reviewed, the sooner they can be forwarded, and the easier the subsequent processes can progress.

Thank you for your attention.


Geoffrey de la Mer, OL

Baronial Polling (link going live May 29th)

Transition Timeline / Dates:

  • April 16 – Letters of Intent may be submitted to the acting baronial seneschal Master Geoffrey de la Mer through email to [email protected]
    • The letters must include:
      • SCA name and any titles (how they would like to be listed on the poll)
      • Legal name with contact information including: mailing address, phone number, email address
      • Copy of valid membership card (valid through the transition time period) and a copy of photo identification
      • Letters can include any information the candidate wishes to communicate to the Crown or the populace – such as SCA experience or vision for the barony
      • The submission of the letters should also include a single photo of each candidate with the current MK photo release form
      • All documents should be in a PDF or Word document format, please. (Photos can be submitted separately as GIF, JPG, PNG or TIFF.)
  • May 15 – Letter of Intent window closes. This is a hard deadline. NO SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE. NO EXCEPTIONS PER KINGDON LAW.
  • May 29 – Polls open for commentary from both residents and non-residents
  • June 19 – Polls close

Rules for polling:

  • Polling will begin May 29th, 2024 and run through 11:59pm on June 19th, 2024
  • Polling is open to all member regardless of paid/unpaid membership status.
  • Only ONE ballot per member. Ballots will be verified by your membership number (if you are a paid member), address, and name. Inaccurate information or those who file more than one ballot under the same member information will not be tallied.
  • If you reside in the official area of Shadowed Stars, you would fill out the Resident poll. Please the Zip Code Lookup if you are not sure
  • If you live outside of the area, please fill out the Non-Resident poll.
  • After the poll is complete, Their Majesties will review and make their decision. The decision will be announced, and the new Coronet will be invested at our Mounted War Games event on August 31st , 2024.

Comments are closed.